Phone: +49/ (0)7127/ 9797-0
Fax: +49/ (0)7127/ 9797-97
Built-in impact units
Built-in impact units are suitable in transfer lines, rotary indexing tables and test equipment. Thanks to the large usable stroke, workpieces of different heights can be marked without any need for modification.
Built-in impact unit BM 12 PN with pin stamp
Built-in impact unit BM 12 PN with pin stamp and limit switch
Built-in impact unit BM 21 PN with type holder
Built-in impact unit BM 12 PN with pin stamp and limit switch
Built-in impact unit BM 25 PN with VNPW
Built-in impact unit BM 12 PN with pin stamp and limit switch
Built-in impact unit BM 35 PN with type holder